Tuesday, April 17, 2018


An important part of new media is someone's privacy.  You want to be able to control who views the things you post, and if you wish to remain anonymous, you would like to do that as well.  I think that growing up with new media developing around me I took privacy for granted.  I did not see the big deal in websites getting information like my address, and full name.  I did not even have a password protected phone for most of my life.  I also out no thought into the things I posted when I was younger.  I had absolutely no filter because I figured social media was supposed to be fun.  What I never thought of was the potential of one of my posts coming back to haunt me.  I wasn't thinking about making myself look good.  But the fact that once you post something its on the internet for anyone to see means real privacy is hard to obtain.  Sure I could limit my posts to my friends, but whats to stop them from screenshotting my post, or saving it and showing it to other people.   With new media, new laws need to be introduced to help privacy concerns.  "Ownership, privacy, reputation and decision making are intertwined in subtle ways. What if I posed for a reunion photograph but one of my crazy cousins was dancing on the table behind me? Who controls that family reunion photograph, me, the drunken dancer in the background, the photographer with the smartphone, all of us" (Reed).   Our current laws don't really make it clear whos in possession of the photo in this case.  If its available on the internet does it belong to anybody?


1 comment:

  1. I think that privacy has become a huge concern now that all these social media scandals are coming to light. I also think that many people took their online privacy for granted. I think that younger users are more likely to post whatever they want on social media without thinking of their privacy vs. adults or college students like us who are more aware of the privacy dangers and how it could affect our lives such as jobs.
