Wednesday, April 25, 2018


File sharing is the sharing of computer data, whether it be text, video, music.  Basically any type of digital media can be file shared. P2P file sharing stands for peer to peer file sharing.  Computers on a P2p network can share files with one another easily.  Some examples of P2p file sharing are Spotify and torrents.  Torrents work in that when you try to download them, your system downloads small pieces from multiple uploaders (people who have decided to be a part 0of the P2P network) at the same time.  This is way faster than traditional downloading.  "a user's computer sniffs around for others online who have pieces of the movie. Then it downloads a chunk from several of them simultaneously. Many hands make light work, so the file arrives dozens of times faster than normal" (Thompson).  This is how the torrenting process works.  P2P sharing is very beneficial to anyone who deals with downloading files of any kind.

Thompson, Clive.  "The BitTorrent Effect."

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